On previous bike tours I've wanted to keep friends and family informed on my progress by updating a Google Map. It's an easy thing to do, but updates only happen as often as I have internet access. The silly thing is, my mobile phone has a web browser, but I don't know of any website for updating a map that is compatible with a mobile phone. That is, until now.
Map My Tour TrackMyTour (opens new window) is the name of a new website that I've created. Updating a map is as simple as visiting the add waypoint page with your phone (see picture), copying the coordinates from your GPS, and submitting. The map is immediately updated. Have a look at a sample map (opens new window) from a bike ride last week, and feel free to create an account.
This will be a fun way to keep people updated on the progress of my tours. It now looks certain that I'll get the extra leave from work so that I can go cycling through France this June. It's time to start relearning French!
Update 31.03.2010: MapMyTour is now TrackMyTour for iPhone